
KRILLBASE data have been used in a range of peer-reviewed publications

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Click here to link to the NERC Open Access Repository which has freely available copies of many of these publications.



The main publication describing the dataset (which should be cited in publications using the data) is:

Atkinson A, Hill SL, Pakhomov E, Siegel V, Anadon R, Chiba S, Daly KL, Downie R, Fielding S, Fretwell P, Gerrish L, Hosie GW, Jessopp MJ, Kawaguchi S, Krafft BA, Loeb V, Nishikawa J, Peat HJ,  Reiss CS, Ross RM, Langdon B. Quetin, Schmidt K, Steinberg DK, Subramaniam RC, Tarling GA,  Ward P (2017) KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926–2016. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9: 193-2107  [Link]


The following publications have used KRILLBASE data (updated September 2016):

Atkinson A, Siegel V, Pakhomov E, Rothery P. (2004) Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103

Atkinson A, Siegel V, Pakhomov EA, Rothery P, Loeb V, Ross RM, Quetin LB, Fretwell P, Schmidt K, Tarling GA, Murphy EJ, Fleming A (2008). Oceanic circumpolar habitats of Antarctic krill. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 362: 1-23

Atkinson A, Siegel V, Pakhomov EA, Jessopp MJ, Loeb V (2009) A re-appraisal of the total biomass and production of Antarctic krill. Deep-Sea Res I 56: 727-740

Atkinson A, Hill SL, Barange M, Pakhomov EA, Raubenheimer D, Schmidt K, Simpson SJ, Reiss C (2014) Sardine cycles, krill declines and locust plagues: revisiting “wasp-waist” food webs. Trend in Ecology and Evolution 29: 309-316

Braithwaite JE, Meeiwig JJ, Letessier TB, Jenner KCS, Brierley AS (2015) From sea ice to blubber: linking whale condition to krill abundance using historical whaling records.  Polar Biol 38: 1195-1202

Flores H, Atkinson A, Rebolledo E, Cirelli V, Cuzin-Roudy J, Fielding S, van Franeker JA, Groeneveld JJ, Haraldsson M, Kawaguchi S, Krafft BA, Lombana A, Marschoff E, Meyer B, Milinevsky G, Nicol S, Pakhomov EA, Vande Pute AP, Reiss C, Rombolá E, Schmidt K, Siegel V, Tarling GA, Teschke M, Tonkes H, Toullec J-Y, Trathan PN, Tremblay N, Werner R, Werner T. (2012) Krill and Climate Change. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 458: 1-19.

Lee CI, Pakhomov EA, Atkinson A, Siegel V (2010) Long-term relationships between the marine environment, krill and salps in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Marine Biology. Volume 2010, Article ID 410129, 18 pages doi 10.1155/2010/410129

Moriarty, R., Buitenhuis, E.T., Le Quéré, C. and Gosselin, M.P. Distribution of known macrozoopankton abundance and biomass in the global ocean. Earth System Sci. Data, 5,241-257, doi10.5194/essd-5-241-2013, 2013.

Murphy EJ, Watkins JL, Trathan PN, Reid K, Meredith MP, Thorpe SE, Johnston NM, Clarke A, Tarling GA, Collins MA, Forcada J, Shreeve RS, Atkinson A, Korb R, Whitehouse MJ, Ward P, Rodhouse PG, Enderlein P, Hirst AG, Martin AR, Hill SL, Staniland IJ, Pond DW, Briggs DR, Cunningham NJ, Fleming AH (2007) Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem: a review of large-scale links in a krill centered food web. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 362:113-148

Piňones, A. and Fedorov, A.V.: Projected changes of Antarctic krill habitat by the end of the 21st century. Geophys. Res. Lett 43, doi: 10.1002/2016GL069656, 2016.

Schmidt K, Atkinson A, Steigenberger S, Fielding S, Lindsay MCM, Pond DW, Tarling GA, Klevjer TA, Allen CS, Nicol S, Achterberg EP (2011) Seabed foraging by Antarctic krill: Implications for stock assessment, bentho-pelagic coupling and the vertical transfer of iron. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1411-1428

Siegel V, Watkins JL (2016) Distribution, biomass and demography of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. In: Siegel V (ed) Biology and Ecology of Antarctic krill. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 21-100

Tarling, G. A., Hill, S., Peat, H., Fielding, S., Reiss, C., Atkinson, A.: Growth and shrinkage in Antarctic krill Euphausia superba is sex-dependent. Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser., 547, 61-78, doi: 10.3354/meps11634, 2016.

Thorpe, S.E., Murphy, E.J., and Watkins, J.L.: Circumpolar connections between Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) populations: investigating the roles of ocean and ice transport. Deep-Sea Res PtI, 54,792-810, 2007.

Whitehouse, M.J., Meredith, M.P., Rothery, P., Atkinson, A., Ward, P., and Korb, R.E.: Rapid warming of the ocean around South Georgia, Southern Ocean, during the 20th century: forcings, characteristics and implications for lower trophic levels, Deep-Sea Res. Pt. I, 55, 1218-1228, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2008.06.002, 2008.