The documents below describe the support leading to the funding of the Changing Arctic Ocean Programme.
“Beyond the Ice: UK Policy towards the Arctic”, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (4 April 2018)
This is the latest publication describing UK policy towards the Arctic. With a foreword from the Right Honorable Sir Alan Duncan MP, Minister of State for the Polar Regions, the content of the document emphasises the UK’s commitment to remain a good neighbour to the Arctic based on the key principles of respect, cooperation and leadership.
“Adapting to Change: UK policy towards the Arctic”, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (17 October 2013)
Prepared by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, this document outlines the Policy framework on how the UK will work with all Arctic States and the wider international community to ensure a sustainable future for the Arctic. The document describes the rapid changes happening in the Arctic in response to climate change, and the potential impacts these may have on the UK, including the UK climate and industries such as fisheries and tourism. International commercial and industrial interests in the Arctic are also mentioned, and how these could be affected (both positively and negatively) as changes in the Arctic gain pace.
“Responding to a changing Arctic”, Select Committee House of Lords Report (27 February 2015)
This Select Committee House of Lords Report scrutinises in more detail the changes in the Arctic and how they may impact the UK. On this basis, the report makes recommendations about measures to strengthen engagement and support of the UK contribution in Arctic affairs. Importantly, the report also underlines the importance of the contribution made by UK scientists and researchers to global understanding of the changing Arctic. It places emphasis on how the scientific route could be more effectively utilised to support UK engagement with Arctic states, and recommends a “substantial and better co-ordinated long-term programme of Arctic research.”
The United Kingdom and Arctic Science
A brief overview of the areas of active Arctic Science carried out by researchers in the UK.