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Scientists discover ‘tiger’ of the plankton world enjoys its veg too
Posted: 16th July 2020With large teeth, hooks and poison glands, arrow worms have been nicknamed the tigers of the plankton world and are believed to be successful carnivorous hunters of the deep – but new evidence from a Scottish researcher has shown that the creature may enjoy its ‘greens’ too.
Biological clocks keep ticking in the Arctic Ocean
Posted: 15th July 2020Marine biologists studying how climate change affects the Arctic found that despite permanent daylight during the Arctic summer internal biological clocks continue to provide the rhythm of life.
Strathclyde mathematician joins Arctic climate change venture
Posted: 14th August 2019A mathematics researcher at the University of Strathclyde has joined a scientific venture to the Arctic Ocean which is to understand the behaviour of tiny organisms that are key to the food chain.