Alfred-Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Polar Biological Oceanography
Am Handelshafen 12
Bremerhaven, 27570
I trained at the Universities of Gießen, Berlin and Kiel (Ph.D. 1988), was a postdoctoral fellow (1988-1991, AWI Bremerhaven and UCSC Santa Cruz), before becoming senior scientist at AWI starting in 1992. ö
I have been involved in Arctic long-term oceanic observations, Arctic plankton ecology and related sedimentary flux under climate change. Current projects I am involved in:
Project Member in FRAM: Ocean Observing System FRAM (FRontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring) serving national and international tasks towards a better understanding of the effects of change in ocean circulation, water mass properties and sea-ice retreat on Arctic marine ecosystems and their main functions and services.
Project Member in ArcticNet: ArcticNet Long-Term Oceanic Observatories: Continuation and Synthesis of the Existing Decadal Records of Physical and Biogeochemical Signals.
In the Micro-ARC project I will be responsible for WP2 (phytoplankton biomass and size) dealing with seasonal and regional aspects of phytoplankton biomass and unicellular plankton organisms size class distribution. We will mainly work with the inverted microscope by performing tedious counting.