Dr Max Thomas

Affiliated Postdoctoral Researcher, University of East Anglia (UEA)

Dr Max Thomas has recently completed his PhD on physical and biogeochemical processes in sea-ice at the Roland von Glasow Air-Sea-Ice Chamber (RvG-ASIC; University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK).

He has tested physical sea-ice parameterisations using experiments in the Roland von Glasow air-sea-ice Chamber, and has worked with the LIM1D model. He has also been involved in testing physical transport parameterisations (diffusive and convective) in sea-ice and has been involved in a number of transnational access activities at the RvG-ASIC on gas exchange and solute transport between sea-ice, underlying water and atmosphere, as part of the European Research Infrastructure Eurochamp-2020. He is now leading the Eurochamp-2020 modelling activities at UEA. Apart from this, he has expertise in atmospheric trace gas measurements and modelling, including isotopologues.

Max is contributing to Work Package 2 in the EISPAC project.

EISPAC is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by NERC.

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