• Tim Brand, Arctic PRIZE
  • Tim Brand, Arctic PRIZE
  • Tim Brand, Arctic PRIZE

The key scientific outputs from the ARISE project are of direct relevance to stakeholders with an interest in Arctic marine ecology and ecosystems. These include Inuit communities, policy makers, marine biogeochemists and ecologists, freshwater scientists, and ecosystem/biogeochemical modellers.

The key stakeholders for the ARISE project are the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO), the International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES), and the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP). Data from the project will be collated and presented to working groups within these organisations during international meetings. This will allow the practical and applied outputs of the project to be discussed in the context of management and policy for marine mammals in the Arctic, with the potential to inform future decision making for these important populations.