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As the Arctic warms, light pollution may pose a new threat to marine life
Posted: 5th March 2020Thanks to climate change, more humans are able to pass through the Arctic, and they’re making the region’s once black polar night brighter.
#ThinkArctic interview with Holly Jenkins
Posted: 22nd March 2019Holly Jenkins, PhD student in the DIAPOD project, gave an interview this week on her research into copepods in the Arctic Ocean to GCI’s #ThinkArctic podcast series.
UK scientists return to the Arctic Ocean to measure climate change threat to marine life
Posted: 9th May 2018The £16 million, UK flagship programme of Arctic research returns today on a scientific cruise to the Arctic Ocean.
Glasgow Science Centre on Arctic Cruise
Posted: 17th April 2018Craig Rooney of the Glasgow Science Centre is getting on-board a ship heading to the Arctic on 23 April 2018. He is accompanying scientists from the Arctic PRIZE project on their 2-week research cruise to the Barents Sea.